zavraždili ho vo vlastnej posteli,
ľudí dobili obuškami,
dobili ich na smrť v cele,
ponížiť a zničiť ťa,
je ich bežná rutina,
dobijú ťa za zavretými dverami,
a smejú sa na tvojej bolesti.
takto ďalej nie,
prerazíme tie dvere,
prasatá prasatá prasatá na porážku.
Na Edinburgskom punx pikniku,
spôsobili množstvo zlého,
dvojica skopala pankáča,
a tretí mu rozjebal predné zuby,
platení násilníci, hajzli a špiny,
totálne utrhnutý z reťaze,
a tak teraz je to na nás,
aby sme sa postavili proti.
takto ďalej nie,
prejebeme tie dvere,
prasatá prasatá prasatá na porážku.
Postrelili ženskú, ktorá nič nerobila,
teraz je na vozíčku a na hranici života,
vypočúvaním sa ťa snažia zlomiť,
páni nechutní a milí,
ale aj keď ťa už mučia a bijú,
nenechaj poraziť svoju silu,
jediné čo si pamätaj je, že dnes prasa - zajtra slanina.
takto ďalej nie,
prerazíme tie dvere,
prasatá prasatá prasatá na porážku.
murdered him in his bed
They beat folk with their truncheons
in the cells till they´re dead
Humiliate and strip search you
as a matter of routine
Beat you up behind closed doors
and laugh at your screams
Were taking no more
Were booting down the door
Pigs Pigs Pigs for slaughter
At the Edinburgh Punx picnic
They were the cause of more grief
While a couple held a young punk down
a third smashed out his front teeth
paid thugs, covards and bullies
They´re totally out of hand
so now it´s up to you and I
were get to make our stand
Were taking no more
Were booting down the door
Pigs Pigs Pigs for slaughter
They shot a woman minding her own business
Now wheelchair-bound for life
They try to break your spirit with interrogation
misters nasty and nice
But though they torture and beat you
Don´t let the spirit be shaken
Just remember that todays Pig
is tomorrows BACON!!
Were taking no more
Were booting down the door
Pigs Pigs Pigs for slaughter
Počet videní: 1375
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